In the short amount of time i have owned the Audi RS6 Performance I have already racked up 5,000 miles on the car. I thought this was the perfect time to share with you what it it’s like living with the RS6, it’s awesome acceleration, incredible exhaust sound and beautiful interior…except for the cup holders!
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38 комментариев
did you do you test near Eccleshall and Loggerheads by any chance? I love those roads for a Sunday blast.
I need that car wow
This or a Panamera?
James, drag race all cars
for a car that expensive i'd expect better paddle shift, its small and plastic and horrible
saw this in Stoke today! wonder what he was doing there
cup holders?? really? drink an espresso..
Why spend 100k on a audi when you can get a RAV4 for 25k. Toyota are more reliable and hold its value more
If your biggest problem in the car is the cupholders don't drive it!…:)
Damn you Audi for not selling these in the U.S. Not that I could afford one, but it would be nice to see on the road lol
didnt you wrap your car in clear vinyl? where did that scratch near ur exhaust come from?
The steering wheel is on the wrong side.
very nice
I have a lower spec cough A6 Avant — nothing special, but you're spot on about the cup-holders. They're crap!
Nice !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
you have rs6 but use go pro with no video stabilization? sad face
This costs about 186 357 GBP/ 232 632 USD where I live. Anyway, Great car!
love that car ^^
i was really enjoying this review untill the cup holder rant lol
5000 mile tires
Hah — another car daddy lent to you.
Fucking beast, would love one !
Love this car!!! Great review as well
So so true with Audi get the line right and mash the throttle out of a corner just after the apex and the reward is massive massive smiles as it just digs in and hurls you out. BIG BIG FUN when you know how 🙂
On the score of the position of the cup holders JWW it is not trivial because it does detract from such a good driving machine.
It is something I think Audi needs to look at as it is just the same in my S5.
+1. The RS6 Kombi is the uber ski-wagon. The 100 mi btw. Denver and Vail was never quicker. O those douche bags at Audi USA can't make a business case to import any S class, RS class wagons … Our MY95.5 UrS6 wagon was a hoot !
I was going to buy one but after what you said about the cup holders fuk that
'Dog in the back' doing a stick on Garfield impression on the rear window!
Does he still have this car?
that is not is essential…
Can't hear shit
Dude, check your doors! The bottles go in the side of the doors and are proof as hell there, even through a quick run.
The cupholder i'll give you that, they are crap. My 2011 S4 had great cupholders and were about twice as deep as the ones of the RS6. Don't know why the guys from Ingolstadt didn't go with this solution.
Love those wagens
AUDI — the best cars on the world.
Audi just cant do cup holder no matter what
Nothing is better than a GTR