Ao’s Instagram: @atropatesis
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Directed by Seb Delanney.
Filmed & Edited by atropatesis
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29 комментариев
Your new Editor really hits it heavily!! great work!
that is one dooe yacht
camera work and editing is spot on
Love the new lotus. Color is amazing
Even the white yacht cost $300 million.
dont call it cinamatic… call it porn! car porn, boat porn, bag porn, house porn…
Why don't the new guys take a shower.
Your new filmer seems a lot more interesting than you! Ohhh
Great boat travel food bike car vlog as ever …love the f1 direction seb grazie Mille ciao
What's the village called?
Good job guys!
in my opinion the montages are too long and make for a slow and broken up video
A line nicked from Karimchii!
I work on it
Did you buy the bags or did jon olsson give them to you ? judging that you didn't know what you had in the boxes he did give them to you yes ? hes such a nice guy
Salut Seb , ta lotus est juste magnifique c'est un parfait compromis entre l'exclusivité d'une hyper car ,les sensation d'une super
pour un gabarit et le prix d'une sportive bravo !!!! aussi, si un jour tu as l'occasion de pouvoir faire l'essai de la lotus 340R ce serai genial !!!
I suppose it's been registered in Gibraltar, but the boat's been built in Kiel (Germany).
Seb, you're new partner/editor really adds a professional flavor to your videos. They are great. Keep up the good work. (Mike in Ohio)
The new editor is cool find him on inst
That footage was absolutely stunning.
What's the name of the song at the start?
YouTube is definitely a job for you. A hobby is something that costs you money, but you lose more than you make. A job is where you are working for making a profit, which you are doing. Also, that yacht was insane.
0:12 looks like steve jobs yacht in the background
Emily should do something to her eyebrows
What is the music at the beginning of the video. Love it.
What a terrible creation.
It's not even a yacht, it's probably bigger then a cruise ship
I have a feeling that they're gonna give you more bags it's just a gut feeling 🙂
417m €