Car: Opel Omega B 2.2 DTI ECOTEC 120 HP 2002
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0:00 Intro
0:08 Walk-around and interior
0:50 City drive
3:10 Bumpy road
3:50 City drive
9:00 Highway
12:04 Casual driving
Engine: 2.2L Diesel 4-cylinders
Displacement (cc): 2171
Power: 88 kW/120 hp
Torque: 280 Nm
Transmission: 5-speed manual
Traction: RWD( Rear-Wheel Drive )
Acceleration (0–100 km/h): 13,0 s.
Top Speed: 195 km/h
Fuel Consumption Combined in l/100 km by Opel: 7,3
Car Mileage 268 000 kilometers
Fuel Tank Capacity: 75L
Total Range: 1027 km
Weight: 1730 Kg
Cargo Space: 540 Liter
Model: 2002
Base Price: N/A
Driver: Joe Black
Video: GoPro Hero 10 Black / Sony a6300 + Sigma 16mm f1.4
Audio: Zoom H2n (recorder) & Roland CS-10EM (binaural microphones)
Edit: MacBook Pro / Final cut Pro X
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40 комментариев
Muito bom
So, the last Opel limousine with rear drive. It was very popular in Poland as used car.
Citroen saxo next?
Nice opel i love all cars germany
Wow Nice vidéo and drive
для такой большой машины минимум 130л.с. как это было у дорестайла с м51, вот она чувствуется что тянет нормально!
I used to own an omega b2 caravan 2.5 v6
The last real Opel…
Actually Joe is Marek Drives doing POV
this car looks in excellent condition.
I had one of these! I live in the UK so it was a Vauxhall rather than an Opel, and also right hand drive.. dog shit slow but I loved it!
Amazing car for its time, no more like that. Lotus edition, 3000 edition 24v, Irmscher 3.4…
This engine is so loud. In comparison with modern diesels
My father had a 2.5 dti 6 cylinder (bmw) version automatic with a beautiful mesh grill. Not fast but very torqey. Sounded good too.
Omega is german panzer tank… Thnak you for testing it
Bardzo komfortowe i przestronne limuzyny. Znajomy ma dwie omegi, przedlifta i polifta i jazda nimi to sama przyjemność zwłaszcza w automacie.
Szkoda że nie V6:)
Omega B to jeden z najlepiej narysowanych Opli w historii…
Even it's an old car, These Omegas were the best Opels ever built, especially with the Diesel engines.
cant imagine this model with any other diesel than mine.. the good old 2.5Dti (150 + chip tuning). Nothing sounds better than a straight six
S'il vous plait montre OPEL AUTOMATIC OMEGA
It's sad that almost everyone makes these ugly SUVs instead of good big old-school station wagons like this one.
It’s so fat. But nice car anyway. Opel is in my opinion the number one german car. Especially old Opels like this are awesome. I think Omegas are still in use as taxis somewhere in Germany.
Here in the USA this car was sold to us as the Cadillac Catera.
kiedyś miałem 2.5 dti.
chyba wrócę do omegi
Jeden z najładniejszych Opli. W tamtych czasach drugi najładniejszy po Vectrze B 🙂
Tank fuel are nice of 75liter but probably consumption are around 9-10liters
i still have it,can t waith to drive it again…i feel like i drive a tank!the car is masive,compare with another cars from this era…i have the 2001 2,2 dti,the common problem is overheating…this cars are not for the cities
I really love these diesel omegas. They are reliable and sound great
i have the same car dude
hey dude can u tell me how ro put bluetooth on that car?
My dads car, i sold it, i hated it had a lot of problems but that's cuz it was old 1998
Can you drive with one that has 2.6 v6 engine?
Can you drive with one that has 2.6 v6 engine?
Mamy taką w rodzinie od 2005r. Dokładnie taki sam silnik i ostatni wypust. Bardzo fajny samochód i ma u nas dożywocie. Nasza ma chip tuning i jest zrobiona chyba na 150 koni.
Can we still buy this car at the moment 2.5 version
This was one of granddad car
Bro owns every car in Poland