Car: Opel Movano I 2.2 DTI 90HP 2002
0:00 Intro
0:09 Walk-around and interior
1:00 Bumpy road
1:40 Casual driving
9:48 Engine view
Engine: 2.2L Diesel 4-cylinders
Power: 66 kW/90 hp
Transmission: 5-speed manual
Traction: FWD ( Front-Wheel Drive )
Car Mileage 347 000 kilometers
Model: 2002
Date of Production : 1998 − 2010
Place of production: Batilly
Driver: Joe Black
Video: GoPro Hero 11 Black / Sony a6300 + Sigma 16mm f1.4
Audio: Zoom H2n (recorder) & Roland CS-10EM (binaural microphones)
Edit: MacBook Pro / Final cut Pro X
GPS Performance Meter /Dragy
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23 комментария
This is the van Joe is using for work.
Jezu ale mindfuck z tymi badge'ami xD niby reno, a jednak opel
Zamierzam kupić minibusa pytanie 2.2TDI łącznie 90KM minimum 140 ?
Pytanie: czy rozumiesz język ukraiński.
This is very confusing… Why is there a Renault badge in the front of this? Was the grill replaced or something?
Były produkowane pod marką opel i nissan. Marki te nie musiały robić protototypu busa. Tylko bazowały na renault. Pozdrawiam
opel z przodem od mastera 😀
Witam. Jestem właścicielem takiego Movano. Auto nie do zajechania.
Hi Guys
Fajne renault
This car is just one big confusion
I thought it was a reno with an opel steering wheel judging by the community post lol
Master ze znaczkiem Opla
omg the interior sounds are unbearable
wow, I didn't know Opel made a badge-engineered version of the Renault Master! Nice!
Joe, I have this van as a bit of a project and I have some questions for you about its performance. Can we have a little chat?
A lot of European car brands copy each other when it comes to vans
Nice steering wheel centering. Now I'm gonna dream about a Movano steering wheel. Well, at least first 6 mnts.
Very good test ❤❤❤❤ nice engine and sounds thanks Joe
Fais plus de vidéo avec des camions ancien stp (du genre comme ça ) sinon super vidéo
Bunun bildirimi bana neden geliyor aq
nice old truck