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27 комментариев
Stereotypes exist for a reason.
omg @2:50 when she gets out the car shes still glued to her damn phone people like that need banned for life.
2:27 I'm a bit confused by all the pedestrians in Russia. They seem to get hit all the fucking time, even when they're in a crosswalk. I know America is one of very few countries where pedestrians have the right of way. I didn't think they have the right of way in Russia, so why do they just walk in front of traffic all the fucking time? This lady doesn't even look! She acts as if people will stop for her, or something!
Russians just don't give a fuck, do they?
Fucking cunts
7:09 Maybe you should watch where the fuck you're going? Hell, I'm not from Russia and even I know they'll run a motherfucker over, if you're not paying attention!
Do cross walks not exist anymore?? These dumbasses can't be ordinary
ALL women should be banned form driving. PERIOD. They lack that part of the brain that contains rational, and the ability to stay under control when under stress, and do not have the ability to multi-task, Also they loose all motor-control & The ability to think safely & rational when their panic hits. FACT: >> Saudi Arabia has the LOWEST accident rate and the least number of insurance claims than every other country in the world. KNOW WHY?? NO women drivers! ZERO! .. NONE! WOMEN ARE NOT ALLOWED TO DRIVE THERE. End of story.
Some of these were unavoidable, like the pedestrian at 7:12 who walked out between two cars and immediately got hit. That time it was the pedestrian's fault for not stopping and checking for coming cars. It's not really clear if the driver and the other cars behind her, were in a designated lane or had created their own lane in the middle of the road. Pedestrian still didn't look where he was going.
Caught a woman on my dashcam rear end someone today on the highway… she was putting makeup on…
Another stupid woman compilation, great
It's no wonder why the police use physical force in the US… because it is IMMEDIATELY EFFECTIVE.
I don’t speak Russian so can anyone tell us what was the problem with gal in the red car?
Shitty drivers who don’t deserve their license
the Nissan Juke is the ugliest car ever made.
Thumbs down for the LOUD ASSED music at front and back with silence or low sound in the middle. How ignorant can you get?
Hey dump ass, the plural for woman is WOMEN!!!
Lady at 02:35 was like rag doll mode
Notice how almost everyone that is hit is on their phone…
2:35 didn't even look to see if a car was coming. I had two young women step in front of my car today. The only reason I didn't send them into the air like this is because I know to look because THEY WON'T (by they I mean pedestrians).
3:20 good, they shouldnt put a sign in the middle of the road. She did us all a service by removing it.
6:00ish blah blah blah, enough talk already. Drag her out and beat her already.
1:42 3am challenge news lol
2:54 rip Bugatti veyron 2017 -2017
This video mostly shows women drivers who can’t drive are women from Russia
The accident at 7:08 isn't entirely the drivers fault. The pedestrian walked onto the road staring at their hand (could be a phone they're holding) and didn't look before attempting to cross.
police man nasty and perverted rubbing up balls on de woman butt it had a female officer right to lock her up.