Parody of old Slinky commercials, features people happily singing the Amigo’s praises while dressed in vintage garb. I originally thought this was a spoof of the Ren and Stimpy «Log» commercials, but obviously John Kricfalusi got the idea from the 1970’s Slinky commercials.
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27 комментариев
I drive an Isuzu amigo, I want this song in mp3 so I can just drive around with it on repeat….
I just had to youtube this lol I have been having this song in my head since I was 8 lol
I remember this commercial!
the driver looks like MICHAEL MADSEN. lmao
My grandfather is the guy dressed like the farmer… I was looking up different projects he was in, and I thought I'd give this commercial a shot…. I can't believe I found it…. thank you for posting this commercial up… You have no idea how happy its made me!
(fart noises!!!!!!!!!) LOL what a weenus. Keep reminiscing of your shitty Peugeot, France, and 70's music.
This is a total ripoff of Ren and Stimpy's Log song…
Styling wise i'd say it was ahead of its time by a good decade actually
Battery included, drivers license sold separately.
In my country it is a vauxhall frontera as I am British
First thing i thought — is this from Ren and Stimpy?
My "friend" has one of these its a piece of shit. Smells like stale black mild sweat and desperation.
The commercial is as stupid as dickcheese663 and The Slatecrow and yuppiemobile69 get yourself a Pinto and a Vega or an Astre or a poor mans cor-vette the chev-ette.Thats where you losers belong
For what purpose is this old commercal on youtube.Is youtube a facebook now?
Why dont you show an Auburn commercial or a Maxwell add on youtube
What car is a piece of shit today?
come on jerks make fun of another clunker.This video is soooooo stupid what shitbox do we pick on today how about Chrysler/Jeeps recalls
Hey Nicholas Brown why did you upload this braindead commercial-nothing better to do? Do you know what GM also stands for: G-uaranteed M-alfunctioning or
G-arbage M-anufacturer
Hey lets turn this video into Facebook along with all the interesting comments!!And the big three:dickcheese663TheSlatecrowyuppiemobile69Can play stinky slinky and dress in vintage garbage.
Parody of old Slinky commercials, features people happlily singing the Amigo's praises while dressed in vintage garb. I originally thought this was a spoof of the Ren and Stimpy "Log" commercials, but obviously John Kricfalusi got the idea from the 1970's Slinky commercials.
Frozoe Fun For All
Are you sure this was from 1998?
I remember this commercial. wow is been that long. how time flies
Battery included, drivers license sold separately.
Why would they say Battery included
wow..its a 70's style commercial for a 1998 car
I remember this ad from when I was a teenager. The song in it was very catchy!
I remember this commercial… the way footage looks one could mistake it from being out of the 70s.