Car: Volkswagen Passat B4 Sedan 1.9 TDI 90 HP 1994
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0:00 Intro
0:05 Walk-around and interior
0:35 City drive
3:14 Tunnel
3:41 City drive
7:05 Bumpy road
7:45 Casual driving
8:25 Highway
10:00 Casual driving
12:19 Engine view
Engine: 1.9L Diesel 4-cylinders
Displacement (cc): 1986
Power: 66 kW/90 hp
Torque: 202 Nm
Transmission: 5-speed manual
Traction: FWD ( Front-Wheel Drive )
Acceleration (0–100 km/h): 14,1 s.
Top Speed: 178 km/h
Fuel Consumption Combined in l/100 km by Volkswagen: 5,3
Fuel Consumption Combined in l/100 km by Joe : N/A
Fuel Tank Capacity: 70L
Total Range: 1321 km
Weight: 1235 Kg
Cargo Space: 490 Liter
Model: 1994
Base Price: 31.040 EUR
Driver: Joe Black
Video: GoPro Hero 9 Black / Sony a6300 + Sigma 16mm f1.4
Audio: Zoom H2n (recorder) & Roland CS-10EM (binaural microphones)
Edit: MacBook Pro / Final cut Pro X
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23 комментария
Cool video
2 gcb 6 S
What is the top speed of that thing?
Good and sturdy car.
I got a Golf Mk.3 with a 1Z engine. Its insanely reliable, quite fast if tuned well.
Хорошая машина
Ło jezu na ilu obrotach go katowałeś na autostradzie. Rip zużycie paliwa.
passat zajebista maszyna ale jak patrzę na to kręcenie kierownicą to aż mnie ręce bolą
BEST VW ever! JOE !
My uncle has a car life that too
isnt that passat b3?
I also own such a car, only 1996 with a 1.8 petrol engine. a reliable motorist
my father had the wagon version with the 75 hp tdi engine. other than being relatively sturdy and roomy it was a horrible car, very loud droning engine and whenever you hit a bump the back of the car banged and clattered so loud that it was almost comical. and on speeds higher than 80 kph talking normally was impossible. a gas engine and choosing sedan body propably helps alot with these problems but instead of the passat new in the 90s, you should have rather bought the cheapest wagon on the market, because then atleast the cheap feel makes sense.
90s Sedan > 2020 Suv !!
Simple and everlasting. It’s still made from material not from paper… my dad spinned with it on the highway few years ago in the winter cuz of the ice… the bumper didn’t even break even tho he was goin with 160. Rust is not eating it either… it only needs fuel, oil and water and it will run off the map just like the good old 1.3 swift
Ul Jana pawla hetmanowi
Chłopie! Jak już nagrywasz filmiki z jazdy to się naucz chociaż poprawnie kręcić kierownicą.
My favorite model 🙂
И сколько сейчас такие стоят ро цене?
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