OOhh nice! we had a '92 LeSabre for a while, It was a retired taxi cab. It had a LOT of km on it but it ran like new. The suspension was completely shot though, and it would do a massive nose dive when you hit the brakes LOL
But it was a very good car. I would highly suggest buying one.
May '92. Yes, that sounds just about right. This aired during the 1992 Winston 500. I have a 2001 LeSabre, which if you follow my videos, I call "Sabrelicious." It's the best car I've ever owned.
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OOhh nice! we had a '92 LeSabre for a while, It was a retired taxi cab. It had a LOT of km on it but it ran like new. The suspension was completely shot though, and it would do a massive nose dive when you hit the brakes LOL
But it was a very good car. I would highly suggest buying one.
It's funny because the only people still driving 1992 LeSabres are druggies, deadbeat dads, and welfare moms.
That's pretty much any 20yr old American car.
I'm still driving it man… be nice
I drive a 94' Park Ave, but the LeSabre is a very nice car too.
How many miles does it have? It looks in great condition.
Thanks, arround 58000 miles, I have videos on my channel about my car. 😉
May '92. Yes, that sounds just about right. This aired during the 1992 Winston 500. I have a 2001 LeSabre, which if you follow my videos, I call "Sabrelicious." It's the best car I've ever owned.